The girls have school pictures on Monday next week. They both brought home the forms and I have to return them the day of with a check or money order for the package I want to purchase. Simple enough, so I look at the first package and it costs.......$57.00! You've got to be kidding me! In tiny print at the bottom I found a package that is 1-3x5 and 8 wallets that is still $11. To me that seems ridiculous!
I can choose from 5 colorful backgrounds, my children will be allowed to wear what they want (we are at a public school that requires uniforms, which I love) and some photographer will move through 800 students in one day and provide me a priceless picture that I will pay $57 for? And then I have two, so let's make it $114.
I know the girls will be disappointed, but I'll explain my reasoning. Maybe if we got to see the pictures beforehand I would be more inclined to buy them. They do allow retakes, but they usually rush through those as well. Oh well.....
A picture story.....when the girls both went to a Christian school they had a day setup to take spring pictures each year. I got the girls matching outfits, sent them off and they pulled Em out of class to take a picture with Abs. I got the picture and it was really cute of Em sitting down and Abs standing behind her. Abs had her hand on Em's shoulder and Em was not shrieking "she's touching me!". The only thing I could focus on though was that my daughter unknowingly had her middle finger sticking up and looked like she was smiling and flipping you off. Not anything I wanted to save!
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
1 day ago