Abs is busy working on her "The History of Mr. Potato Head" storybook.
It's an adorable idea, and she has worked hard on it, but she also has a problem with fine motor skills and handwriting, so it's hard for her. She's done an amazing job so far, and while the handwriting might not be the neatest, it's a cute story complete with illustrations.
When I got her after quiet time this afternoon (where I found her in the closet reading, go figure), she asked me if I would complete her project. Heck no!
Apparently I am the only parent that will not be doing the project for their child. I find that hard to believe.
As a teacher, I could tell whose parents did all the work, and those that obviously did it themselves, got extra praise and attention. (Remember I taught second grade)
I help my kids come up with ideas, materials, and motivate them to do the project, but I believe that they should give it their best shot. Heck, I've read blogs where people were in college and having their parents complete their projects, and goodness knows I finished college, and graduate school (twice), so I really don't need to do it again. I'm sure the parent that helped their daughter finish their college project, also probably did all their other projects leading up to that point.
So....how much do you help? Am I ruining her life by not helping?
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
1 day ago