Saturday, September 22, 2007

Still here

I think I had food poisoning. The outlaws took us to Texas Land and Cattlle for Dh's birthday dinner and I got shrimp and I think that it was burnt on the outside and raw on the inside. I could never eat sushi. I think I am on the mend now though....I hope. On the bright side if it is food poisoning that means I don't have to put up with the four other people getting sick. I am not good with that.

I spent the day with my mom today who is back in town. We had a great time and then my sister made a wonderful dinner with chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. And to think that when I got married I did not like any shape, form or flavor of chocolate. I still can't eat plain candy bars but any other way I am sold. To think of all that I missed out on.

Junior is starting to get better finally. Poor little guy still has a rough go at night, and is up early but thankfully Dh was off on Friday and could take of all of us sicklies. Today DH went with both the girls and their Girl Scout troop to tour Inner Space Caverns. We've been there several times but the kids love it. Junior went along for the ride and slept through the entire tour. Now if he would just sleep through the night.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sleep is a crutch?

I need my sleep. I love to get at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. I don't think that has happened in years though.

Junior has a horrible cold and keeps coughing up stuff (someone listens to you Grandma!). Around 3:30 am the girls were up talking and telling stories. Their dad went in there to tell them to be quiet and go back to sleep. Shortly after returning to bed the door shut. He got up and went back in there and they claimed that it was because the ac went on. DH opened the door, told them to be quiet and go to bed. He came back and gave me the scoop and I reminded him that the ac had been on. Then the ac went off and shortly after the door shut to Ab's room. (They have been sharing a room the last week or so because they wanted to and Abs has bunk beds). So DH got up again and went and opened the door and told Em to get in her own bed. Well of course to them changing beds means you move ALL the blankets, pillows and thousands of stuffed animals with them. So I hear the complaining and get up to tell Em to grab a blanket and a pillow and get moving because it is 3 am and now is not the time to be playing around. Everyone gets settled back into bed and we go back to sleep. Then Junior starts gagging on snot. Really gross. I cleaned him up and he is back in bed asleep. Guess I'll skip the gym again to keep an eye on him and not get anyone else sick. Poor little kiddo....I sure hope he takes a long nap today because I think I am going to curl up on the couch and join him.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Wordless Wednesday


From when I took pics last Friday when DH was off. He was leading Junior to the backyard for more pictures.

See more pictures here.
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Monday, September 17, 2007

Moving on...

When we got here, DH was assigned to a company that everyone told us you could never escape from. Now almost 5 years later--while everyone else has left except for one or two others--we are FINALLY getting to leave. We will be stuck at Fort Hood--didn't expect them to make me deliriously happy--but DH will be moving to a different company. We never even thought we would see that. While his current CO is great, I am hoping that the move will be a nice change of scenery and will provide him more opportunities. I can try to be optimistic! Now if they would just lower the promotion points all would be well.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Memories Revisited


I finally moved to all digital, but I continue to find old rolls of film that I haven't gotten developed. My husband has been home since Dec 2nd of last year and these pictures were taken as he saw the girls and then met his son. Yes, the only picture of me was chosen because you can't really see me in it! But checkout those curls! How in the heck did only Junior get the curls? These aren't in order because I couldn't figure out how to do that, but the one where DH's mouth is open is seeing Junior.
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