Andrea over at
Sgt and Mrs Hub is having a Valentine's Day Love Fest. You are supposed to write a story about how you met the love of your life....or your husband. Just kidding Gunner!
I was in college, my senior year and wasn't dating anyone in particular, just having a good time and trying to get out of school in 4 years! I was in a sorority, thanks to my friend Catherine (who always leaves such nice comments!). My "big sis" was a little girl named Michelle--she must have been about 4'10" tops. She was a great friend and she introduced me to Gunner at a party. She wanted me to meet him, but I saw him before she introduced us and I knew I wanted to meet this guy. He had on a white tshirt, black jeans, black boots and was kind of scruffy on the face and had a high and tight. I'm still a sucker when he gets a high and tight. Not a very exciting story at all.
We met, and he asked me if he could call me the next day. I said sure, but told him if he couldn't say my name correctly when he called I'd hang up. Not very nice I know, but I figured if I was important enough he could learn to say my name correctly. He asked me when I got out of class and I told him I would I had to stop and get lunch from the cafeteria, walk across campus, etc. and gave him a time to call. He smiled and said okay. I left thinking I would never hear from him again.
After class the next day I ran to get lunch and then to my apartment on the off chance that he might actually call. He called--exactly on the dot, a man after my heart from the start--and slowly pronounced my name....correctly. We talked for a bit and he asked me out.
I didn't know much about the army. Gunner was from California but had grown up as an Air Force Brat. He had been in the reserves but finally went active duty. Lucky for me.
Gunner showed up wearing a brand new shirt and I had gotten all dressed up for him. The next day he showed up again (he lived on post, which was an hour from me) in another brand new shirt. Finally after a few dates I broke the news--I told Gunner that I was an umbros and tshirt girl and an all you can eat buffet. Hey, I was on a budget in college so we loved buffets plus my metabolism was much higher than it was today. It was at that time that Gunner admitted that he didn't have very many clothes so he was showering after work and running to JC Penney's to buy a new shirt before he came over or met me somewhere. Poor guy!
Sometimes my friends would want to go dancing at one of the country places so Gunner would meet us halfway. When I met him he and his roommate were each taking dancing lessons--not as a couple though, lol. We weren't that bad together and I guess he gave up on the lessons.
I wanted to take Gunner home to meet the family for Thanksgiving, but my dad figured I would have a new guy by Christmas so he said no. Gunner was still around for Christmas so my dad agreed that he could sleep on the couch but that they weren't going to buy him anything big, just one small present. He then wanted to know what he drove--an Isuzu pickup with no air conditioning, in Texas. (Told you he needed me in his life!) My dad was relieved he didn't drive an American car.
So we went home for Christmas and on the way Gunner's fuel filter cratered and we chugged all the way home. As soon as we arrived my dad and my brother took Gunner to the auto repair shop, bought the part and then installed it for him. No telling what other ideas they installed in his head! A few days later, by the time Christmas rolled around, my parents had put a few more presents under the tree and my sister added one to the mix. It was probably the most presents he had seen in years. We left and my parents told him he was always welcome there, even without me. Thanks Mom!
A few months later, he proposed. He did ask my dad's permission which my dad loved. Score one for Gunner.
In the meantime I graduated from college and set out to enter the work force. Gunner was going to get out of the army, but I got a wild idea that I wanted to go to Germany and with very little convincing he reenlisted and I moved to Temple to be closer to him. We had a wedding date set in March 1995, but had to move it up with the introduction of orders. We got married December 17th, 1994, in Houston, Texas. I was 22 and he was 24. We were young, naive and in love.
Now 13 years later, 3 year long deployments and another one coming sooner rather than later, we are still here. We have three cute, energetic, spirited children--Em, Abs and Junior. Still happy albeit a lot more tired than we used to be.
Happy Valentine's Day! Now what's your story?