I got an email from a friend last night, and her husband has spent a lot of money since he deployed last month.
How do you work money and the budget while he is gone? What about TSP? Do you increase it? Does he get an allowance? Do you pay off bills? Do you buy more things? Do you eat out more? How do you make it work?
I've had friends that give their spouses all of the extra money they earn. What works for your family?
Do you plan out a budget before he leaves?
This is what we do, and it works for us. Gunner always jokes that his next wife won't have a MBA, lol.
We have absolutely no debt. No car payments, no credit card bills, nothing.
We increase Gunner's TSP, by 1%, quite frequently. You don't really notice a 1% decrease in your pay, every month or so, but the increased amount in your TSP is noticeable.
Gunner has his own bank account, and he gets an "allowance" every month. The first few deployments it was $25 a month. I know, sounds really cheap. The third deployment to Iraq he got $40 a month. He never spent it all. I check his account and if he needs more, I put it in there, but he might have needed that once a year or something. (I just called Gunner at work to see if he needed an increase and he told me that since they are closing everything down, he won't even need $40 a month, lol)
What do we do with the extra money?
We make sure we max out our IRA contributions, I play the stock market, increase 529 contributions, save more, and save, save, save.
What probably helps, is that Gunner is usually not in locations that have all the perks of home.
The first deployment to Iraq, my mom sent Gunner articles that she found in the local paper about life over there. Gunner's response was "Tell you mom that not everyone lives in palaces and swims and BBQ's all day long".
How do you make your money work while he is gone?
P.S. For the record, Gunner has no problem with the amount of money that he gets, and at no time has he not been able to get what he needs or wants.