Yesterday I was sitting here eating my leftover pho, and looking forward to going to SYTYCD with Em.
My neighbor, also Army (we live next to AF, Army, Navy, officers, and enlisted), came banging on my door to tell me to turn on the news.
My stomach dropped, and I couldn't even believe it. After 6 1/2 years of living there the last time, and we were also stationed there when we started this Army trip, Fort Hood will always hold a special place in our heart.
I talked to friends. I scoured the internet. I was glued to the tv. (BTW, kudos to Fox News) My cell was going crazy with texts from the outlaws, friends, and fellow teachers. I watched the president give "shout-outs" to his friends, and was digusted with his speech.
My heart breaks when I think of the Soldiers and civilians that were killed and injured. I never worried when I sent Gunner to the SRP to prepare to deploy. I'm sure none of those families did either. How can someone that is trained to help people, hurt them? Obviously as they investigate everything they are coming up with all kinds of red flags. It reminds me of a story of when Gunner was in Bosnia for a year. One of the Soldiers was upset that he had to be there, wanted out, and wanted to go home. He proceeded to write the CO's, XO's, and other Soldiers names on each bullet. They pulled him from duty for 24 hours, and then he was back. Nothing happened, he served his time, and then got out. You never know....
I finally tore myself away from the tv, and Em and I left for SYTYCD. My brother called to let me know that my Grandmother had passed away.
It had been coming for a while, but following the events of the day, it drained me even more.
Em and I had a good time at SYTYCD and I managed to only check email and FB a few times to make sure I wasn't missing anything.
It took me an hour to decompress when I finally got home and tucked Em into bed.
It was a day of tragedy, sadness, and loss both in my own family and my Army family.
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
5 days ago