I went to a PEO meeting for the group that I am going to join. They're really nice, and the home today was just beautiful. Always hard to come home to military housing after being in their homes! I really need a friend that wants to become an interior designer and wants to practice on my house.
If you have kids, what kind of couch do you have? I'm contemplating a leather one, but not sure if it will be any better than the material which seems to have gotten dirty since we moved to Colorado. What's up with that? I have leather seats in the car, but they are a light gray, and material fared better than the leather has. I'm open to recommendations!
I came home and then took Junior to the doctor for a speech referral. We should have the referral in our hot little hands in less than two weeks.
While waiting, Ab's school called and said that she had thrown up and needed to be picked up. I immediately thought of my dental appointment tomorrow and called them to cancel.
Me: I have a barfy kid and I need to cancel my appointment tomorrow at 3:30. (This was just over 24 hours notice)
Office: We require 48 hours notice.
Me: Ummm.....okay, but I am giving 24 hours notice since I have a sick kid, and I didn't really plan for her to be barfy.
Office: We have a 48 hour notice, and you aren't giving us that, so there will be a $35 charge.
Me: Are you kidding me?
Office: Sorry, it's our policy.
Me: I'm not paying $35 because my child is throwing up.
Office. Sorry, it's our policy.
By this time I was
annoyed pissed off, so I told them that I was at the clinic with another child, and I would have to call back and maybe they could talk to the dentist in the meantime.
I go pick up Junior's prescription and run over to the school to get Abs. I asked the school for a plastic bag (since I wasn't at home when they called) and they looked at me like I was rude. Sorry people, if you give me a barfy kid, you can give me a plastic bag for the car ride home. Surely it doesn't cost that much!
I get Abs home and Junior occupied so I can start cleaning the bathrooms. We all know that
nothing says I love you like a clean bathroom.
But first, I have to call back the dentist office because I am just stewing about this.
Me: Hi, I'm calling back about the fact that I have a barfy kid and you want to charge me $35 for not coming to the appointment.
Office: Like I explained, that's our policy, we are tired of people canceling their appointments and we are left sitting.
Me: I understand that, but I have a child that is throwing up today. That means that more than likely the rest of us will get it, and I have to stay home and take care of my children, they are too young to be left alone. Not to mention I could infect the whole office. (Seriously if you have met Abs, she touches everything and investigates everything--did I tell you the story about her sucking on the bathroom lock at the outlet mall? I want to barf myself.)
Office: I know what it is like to have sick kids.
Me: Well if you won't budge, I have to tell you that I will come to my appointment tomorrow, with my sick kid(s) in tow.
Office: If they are sick, you can't bring them here!
Me: Well, I am not paying $35, so we can either plan for you to have a space for my barfy kids with me, or we can reschedule.
Office: Why don't we reschedule.
Are you kidding me?????? I totally get that people cancel appointments and it costs them money, but I have not done that, and I really don't want to infect the world with Abs germs if possible.
I'm off to clean the toilets, wash towels, and prepare the sick diet.