I survived my first week. All children are still alive, they think I am wonderful, beautiful and the best teacher ever. I definitely have my work cut out for me, but it is fun and different every day.
Palin as the VP--okay.
Gunner leaves soon.
I still haven't gotten a Wii. I should do it while Gunner is here so he can hook it up. Problem is they are out of stock everywhere.
The girls had a great first week of school. Abs has gotten in trouble every day for talking. She has the same teacher for last year and I really like her. Em has a male teacher this year, and she really likes him.
Junior had tubes put in his ear. He's been miserable since it happened. Hopefully improvement is around the corner.
I start class next Saturday. At least I know the workload will be less than over the summer. It's all good.
Junior got a hold of a permanent black marker and decorated the couch and the wall. I guess at least it wasn't desitin. Gunner's going to try steam clean it today.
Abs is reading Harry Potter and loving it.
Gunner's list has not been completed. Maybe I was too ambitious? He has changed every diaper since he came home, so I will cut him some slack. (Update: I had to get one this morning, so no slack!)
I had my grass cut for free by the organization that contracts for free mowings for military families. I'll find the link and post it.
I met some friends from my program for drinks after we got our computer the other day. It was nice. Our topics sure have changed!
I went and had my haircut last night and straightened. My hair is sooooo curly, it took two people over an hour to straighten it.
Gunner had a sleepover with the girls last night. This morning he assured me that he will be sleeping on a bed next time.
A long, long, long time ago, today, a beautiful, bouncing baby girl was born in Australia. She was the light of her parent's life and adored by her siblings.....or so she likes to imagine. :)
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
5 days ago