I need your best advice. I don't ask for help much, but I am finally admitting I need it.
I have no holiday spirit. I bought a few gifts, but I just can't bring myself to leave the house and do anything (other than crossfit). I was supposed to go to a dinner tonight put on by Operation Homefront, and ordering pizza sounded like more fun.
It didn't help that I am apparently at war with Abbie's school. I have hired an advocate, and she is going to save my sanity I think.
I feel like the last month I have been put through the wringer and then doused in ice cold water a half dozen times for good measure.
My question to you.....how do you get out of the holiday slump when your Servicemember is deployed? The last 4 times he was deployed over Christmas, I was on top of my game. This time.....not so much.
The kids are excited about Christmas, but there is nothing under the tree because I can't even bear to wrap presents this year. So let me know how to snap out of it and get it together, I could really use the help this year. I guess 5 Christmases alone is my breaking point?
Funny Abs story--Jr wanted to watch Dora, and Em was less than excited and exited the room. Abs proclaimed "I may be too old for Dora, but I have a soft spot for Spanish people." It reminded me of when we were at Epcot this past summer. We wanted to ride the Test Track cars, and it was faster to go as a single rider, but then you can't ride with your family. Not a big deal since the girls are older and Grandma was watching Junior. Abs got placed in a car full of big burly hispanic guys talking in Spanish. She was so excited, yelled out "Hola" to them, and they were immediately smitten by the pint size gringo speaking to them in Spanish and were so nice to her during the ride, even when she screamed. If you've heard her scream, then I assure you, the guys should have qualified for some military award!
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
6 days ago