I went from overwhelmed, to drowning. And fast. I have so many things to get accomplished this weekend, in addition to picking up Em from camp, getting Junior to the doctor for another ear infection, taking the kids to the Mayborn museum, picking up a prescription and getting it filled, cleaning, eating, taking care of kids and more. Where's Gunner when I need him?
My inlaws have booked a bowling party at the bowling alley for Junior. Then they call to tell me that I am supposed to have 10 children come. I don't even know 10 children to invite. I guess my three take care of a third of it, but still. Anyone want to go bowling? I don't want him to have any presents, so the whole idea that a 2 year old needs a party is ridiculous to me. I'd be happy having cake and ice cream at the house. Ugh. Where's Gunner when I need him????
My computer is acting up and won't install word 2007 and I can't figure out what the problem is. It would make my life so much easier if I could get it on there and do my homework quickly instead of fighting with the stupid computer all the time. I wish I had time to take it in, but I don't even have time for that. Maybe I can find someone that makes housecalls or something. Where's Gunner when I need him?
Off to lab......
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
1 day ago