Happy Thanksgiving!
We are off on the road to head to Houston for two days of togetherness. That might be all I can handle.
Dinner wasn't anything special. It was thrown together, and last minute. The time with my BIL was nice, he's a nice guy. Junior was wanting juice and strawberries and his Oma was catering to his every whim. I just let him fuss and eat my dinner, and he tried to tell her the same thing, but it fell on deaf ears. Welcome to my world.
Tom did say that Junior is the spitting image of Gunner and acts just like him too. Now if only Gunner were around to enjoy this time too. He missed the age from 2-3 with Abs too. Good thing we quit while we were ahead or I would be doing this again and again and again and he would strategically arrange it so he wasn't around for the terrible two's with each of them.
Anyway, my inlaws have a long way to go with the house, but my MIL admitted to me that she doesn't like having so many dogs. Ya think? I told her that when she said she was going to keep 4 of the puppies. Insane.
Anyway here are some of the things I am thankful for:
Em, Abs and Junior
My family
My friends
And this crazy life that is my own. Who could ask for anything more?
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
5 days ago
Have fun in Houston with some of the family, wish we could be there.
Hey, do you think the "Outlaws" will follow you to CO?
How was H-Town? We leave to go back to post on Sunday. We will finally be finished packing his dad's house up and should have his estate settled soon. It's back to the Army life and I've never looked forward to it more!
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