When I went to parent/teacher conferences last week, they gave me a few assignments for each of the girls. Abs had to fill a bag with things that represented her, decorate a composition notebook, and write a journal entry for her expectations for the first day.
She filled the bag with no problem. She used the old fisher price little people to represent each member of her family, which was a cute idea. She was looking for a GI Joe for her dad, but couldn't find one. She included some pictures, and of course a few plastic dinosaurs.
One down...two to go.
She didn't want to decorate the notebook, but finally relented.
A journal entry? She summed everything up in three sentences:
I do not like school. School is boring. I do not have any expectations.
Great. I could have sat there and made her write more, but I figured they needed to know what they were dealing with.
I was worried about what I would hear when I picked her up. The elementary school at the Air Force Academy, was awful. She was miserable, which made the rest of us miserable.
Today, she walked out with a smile on her face, a stack of books to read, and no homework. They don't believe in sending home busy work, which is wonderful. They did lots of team building activities, everything was hands on, and she said the difference was between night and day.
Em had a great first day as well, and I just love, love, love her teacher. She's going to be an amazing and inspiring teacher for those kids.
I have personal training tomorrow, and I can't wait. Next up--30 day challenges!
Oh, and today was trash day--3 down, 49 to go!
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
4 days ago
I am so glad to hear things went well, I know you were worried.
What a good start! Always great to hear about GOOD education for our future America!
I am glad to hear that it went so well! It sounds like a perfect fit for them. I am looking forward to checking it out.
That was probably the best journal entry ever. Very informative--yet right to the point. Love that.
That's great that their first days went well!!!
sounds fantastic!!!
Sounds like you guys are off to a great start!
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