I need my sleep. I love to get at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. I don't think that has happened in years though.
Junior has a horrible cold and keeps coughing up stuff (someone listens to you Grandma!). Around 3:30 am the girls were up talking and telling stories. Their dad went in there to tell them to be quiet and go back to sleep. Shortly after returning to bed the door shut. He got up and went back in there and they claimed that it was because the ac went on. DH opened the door, told them to be quiet and go to bed. He came back and gave me the scoop and I reminded him that the ac had been on. Then the ac went off and shortly after the door shut to Ab's room. (They have been sharing a room the last week or so because they wanted to and Abs has bunk beds). So DH got up again and went and opened the door and told Em to get in her own bed. Well of course to them changing beds means you move ALL the blankets, pillows and thousands of stuffed animals with them. So I hear the complaining and get up to tell Em to grab a blanket and a pillow and get moving because it is 3 am and now is not the time to be playing around. Everyone gets settled back into bed and we go back to sleep. Then Junior starts gagging on snot. Really gross. I cleaned him up and he is back in bed asleep. Guess I'll skip the gym again to keep an eye on him and not get anyone else sick. Poor little kiddo....I sure hope he takes a long nap today because I think I am going to curl up on the couch and join him.
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
1 week ago
There's an old saying that parents have told their children: "Your Chickens will come home to roost." Catch my drift?
I hope junior is feeling better soon, try to get some rest if you can.
Wonder what Em's and Ab's pumpkin pie-type incident will be...
I absolutely..... know for a fact......DH is sorry he EVER uttered that statement(Sleep is a crutch). Good thing those meninchargewhoputideasinsoldiersheads don't have to deal with the wives!
Are you still sleeping, Thursday was a while ago.
I hope all has settled down since your post. You have a wonderful blog. Amy
gosh, remember when we could go without sleep for days on end? Youth is wasted on the young!
Seriously, lack of sleep sucks. It is the single greatest contributor to insanity in mothers. Hope you see the land of Nod soon - if only for a few hours.
ps I apologize if I have multiple, multiple posts - i seem to be expiriencing technical difficulty
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