Gunner called last week--twice in one day! I was in shock! He has been calling about once every 10 days since he left, so that's not too bad. He complained that I don't update my blog more frequently. Ummm.....hmmmm.....maybe because I am busy taking care of children, working, going to school???
So Gunner, here's an update:
Em--seems to be enjoying her new school. It was only one day, so can't expect too much. They are reading a book and since she hadn't read it yet, she got to start reading it while they did the work with it for the week. Em finished the book during that time. The class is only on chapter 5.
Abs--what is there to say??? She is Abs. She was convinced there was an ant in her bed the other day and so every time I went to see if she was asleep, she was curled up at the top of her bed, sitting up. I told her to go potty, straightened her covers and told her I got the ant. Don't know why it didn't work when I did it earlier. She slept. At her school they are allowing her to go up to 5th grade for reading since she is so advanced. It's nice that they will do that.
Junior--he has mastered the art of temper tantrums. He must take after you. Yesterday he woke up and took off his pajamas. He had pooped so luckily he didn't take off his diaper. When I put him in there later, he took the diaper off too. Thank goodness he had just peed. I did the taking off the diaper and wiping poop everywhere the first deployment with Abs. Think the army will consider this an emergency and send you home???
Me--My 5 new students are pretty good. I am tired and worn out, but I don't have my school until the 27th. Good thing since I have done nothing for it. It's on my list. We are headed out in a bit to run errands and head up to school to get things done. One day I will be organized! I am still cleaning so that the maid can come back. Oh, we got a new fence. Probably a good thing since the other one would have been destroyed in the wind on Saturday.
Ike didn't hit here at all. I was hoping for a good thunderstorm. On the other hand I don't want to have to mow the grass!
The girls are watching Captain Planet. Junior pronounces Tia's baby's name as "rabbit". The german bakery is closed, so no treats for the next two weeks. The girls have Girl Scouts today. Martha is pregnant. (yes, you read that right! LOL)
Everything else is fine. We miss you and love you Gunner!
Declutter Challenge: Organizing Kitchen Drawers
3 weeks ago
We await your updates also.
Thanks for the up date honey. mine will soon be coming. i love and miss you all.
Glad to know everyone is settling in! George hasn't read my blog in the three years I've been writing, but it doesn't bother me. I'm glad he is able to still be a part of life at home even though he is far away.
when in doubt... duct tape the diapers!
Someone told me to put the diaper on backwards. It worked for a while, then E3 figured that one out too.
So, whenever you find Junior without his diaper, remember that I am probably chasing my little guy at about the same time, trying to put a diaper on him as well :)
The "pet accident" carpet cleaners work for "toddler accidents" too. Good luck.
E3 peed on my foot today, could have been worse I guess.
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