I was trying to think of ways to make the time of this deployment go a little bit faster. I count trash days still, but I needed something more.
Enter "Thirty Day Challenges".
So for September I am starting off with a bang.
My first challenge is that I will eat vegetarian for 30 days. I love vegetables anyway, and after my kidney stone a few years ago, because it was made of the byproducts of meat, I was urged to eat vegetarian for two meals a day.
My second challenge is this:
A little overwhelming, but I sure would like to be able to park in there before the first snow! I'll have to hang all the bikes, but all the rest of the stuff needs to find a home or be tossed.
Anyone care to join me in 30 day challenges for the next 11 months? Also, I am looking for another 10 months of 30 day challenges, so what would you want to do? What do you think I should try to tackle?
I have Jillian's 30 day shred on the list as well, but am kind of at a loss after that. Any suggestions?
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
4 days ago
I love that idea! I would join you, but my next 11 months are looking hectic and I've got visitors coming next week, so I know I'd fall off the wagon. Good luck to you though! :)
Wow, I wonder what all is in those boxes and tubs. This is a huge 20 day challenge! For October, what about P90X, Running, Organizing?
I have no ideas for you, but it's a good way to keep your mind off of things.
Those sound like great goals. 30 day ideas. Hmm. Blog for 30 days in a row? Learn something new with a deadline of the end of the month? Read a super long or convoluted book for 30 days? Cook dinner for 30 days? I dunno.
I admire you for doing 30 days of veggies....I would do something totally wrong like 30 days of cupcakes!
Anyway--you gotta get movin' on that garage! First snow is in what...two days?! LOL
Naps? 30 days of naps.
What's wrong with that garage? You mean they aren't supposed to look like that.
Good luck on your 30 day challenges. I would like to do 30 days of cooking at home, but I know I am never home, so maybe every 30 days I cook 4-5 days a week.
This may be exactly what I need. I want to do 30 day challenge on my wii active. I seem to quit after a week.
I also need to finish painting. So maybe if you could paint a room or something for one.
I am at a lost after that
I LOVE challenges. Maybe think about learning some spanish (set a definite goal like learning 60 words), running a 5/8 K, getting finances in order (if needed), committing to an ab work out, scrapbooking, etc. I see my husband again in December so I am just focusing on getting through school.
Do you know how to knit? You could challenge yourself in learning how to do that in a month.
What a great idea! I don't know if you'd have enough free time with kids, but I can tell you from experience that writing a novel in 30 days will take your mind off almost everything else. If that sounds at all appealing, check out www.nanowrimo.org. November is National Novel-Writing Month, and thousands of people challenge themselves to write 50,000 words between Nov. 1st and 30th. Pretty neat!
Hmmm...what else...maybe write a thank-you note to a different meaningful person in your life each day for 30 days?
I've seen somewhere that it takes almost a month to establish a routine, so is there something you would like to start doing more of? Wash laundry when you have a load instead of waiting until you have nothing clean to wear and then wash everything. Do you need to declutter other rooms and closets? Start on that a few minutes a day, get rid of clothes no one ever wears, toys the kids don't play with anymore, things you don't use or love anymore.
Okay, I'm in on the 30 day challenges. 30 days without red meat; 30 days to finish my DH retirement quilt design; and, 30 days of ab crunches. Yes, I am lazy as can be about exercising but since I will be doing a lot of traveling this next month, these will be challenges that I can meet. You are an inspiration ABW from 8-)
great idea! I'm thinking 30 days of NO eating out :) And 30 days of reading the bible every night :)
IM SO IN! I was thinking 30 days of morning meditations, 30 days without procrastination, and maybe the 30 day shred? This is such a great idea :) goodluck!!
So, day #2. How is the garage coming? Is it interfering with your naps?
Sounds great!! 30 day shred is brutal!! I need to get back on that. Good luck with the garage, ours looks the same. Don't you just love moving?!?!
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