That's how I feel when I read what people have written about the Sears Heroes at Home Gift Registry, on facebook.
It's a program that they run, people donate, and gift cards are sent out to people who registered and qualified for the program.
They don't have to do it. It's not something you should count on for Christmas. It sure as heck doesn't let you bad mouth Sears or the program just because you didn't get it.
Really, they won't have a Christmas this year? Do you plan ahead? Have you contacted your FRG? There are tons of programs put on by organizations that supply Christmas presents to military families that need help. Operation Homefront does a huge program too.
Most of the comments on facebook have been removed by the administrator of the page, but it was one wife after another bad mouthing anything and everything related to it. Then there were those that complained because they didn't get as much money as last year on the first gift card, and they were pissed. Really?
It's an embarrassment. It's sad to say, but I hope that Sears does away with the program, because why should people give money to support the families when so many are sniveling little bitches? Get a job, an education, and take care of your own families people, and quit complaining about what YOU think you are entitled to.
To Sears, thank you for making this program happen, taking the time, energy and money to run the program (which can't be easy with all those sniveling little people calling all the time and bitching), and for making some military families life easier for providing this program. I for one appreciate all that you do to support the troops.
I'm in a crappy mood tonight, can you tell?
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
1 day ago
I was appalled by a family that applied when they shouldn't and some how got a gift card. I have no idea how they got it since they should not have qualified. And then they blew it on a pointless purchase when another family could have used it for clothes or stuff for their kids. They don't even have kids. I couldn't believe they ever even applied for it. It made me sick.
I have friends who didn't get in but they were very cool about it. I'm grateful for anything people want to give in appreciation for what my husband does. It's my understanding that the number of cards issued was lower this year so more were left out but no where in the qualification did it say only certain ranks or people who are broke may apply.
We didn't count on it for Christmas but it is nice, I don't think we should be denied a gift because someone else can't budget.
I didnt see the comments, but i am so grateful that they have the program. I cant believe their are people complaining about the money the got that wasnt alot....hello at least you got some. Dang im with you
I had no idea any of that was going on.
How maddening.
I know here at our house we are overjoyed and thankful. And for sure deeply grateful for the people who have given out of the goodness in their hearts. This program isn't a right... it's a gift.
I just came across your blog! It's so terrible when people can only bitch and moan in this way - in truth, programs like this should be viewed as a nice bonus, and if you benefit from them, then it's a luxury. So sad that many people view them as something they feel they should receive regardless.
People are assholes... especially at Christmas time. While Christmas should bring out the "joy" and "happiness" in everyone, the lights really shine brightly on jerks who feel entitled. Those same wives who are bitching about the amount of the gift card, are the same ones who at causing grief in their FRGs and calling the MPs religiously on their neighbors on base for stupid crap. Sears should NOT do away with the program, in my opinion, but they should block those asshats out in their databases of names and blacklist them.
Merry Christmas?! :)
Oye vey, you're right they do make military spouses look bad :/ These are donated gifts so I don't see how being rude about any of it is okay. But society as a whole seems to feel entitled to free things when they did not earn it but that's a whole other tangent you don't want to get me started on ;P
A-flipping-MEN, sistah!
No one is entitled to ANYTHING. Anyone who complains about charity is a terribly ugly person. I'm sad for them actually, because they must have terribly unhappy lives.
It is so sad that people feel that way! It is a wonderful program and a great way to show that Sears cares! They can't give to everyone and they try to give to as many as possible! We were fortunate enough to participate this year and I was overwhelmed with the generosity of the first gift card! I honestly didn't expect ANYTHING and what we got was way more than I ever expected and I am beyond thankful! This program is amazing and this is the first year we have ever participated and I thank Sears profusely for thinking about our military families when they don't HAVE to! People need to be thankful that there are some places out there that still care and want to try to give back for those who serve their country. We should NEVER demand or expect it but should be very thankful when it does happen!
Whaaaaaaaaat? Ugh. We, too, received it and we are sooo thankful. We are about to buy a house and it will help so much.
But even if I didn't get it, I'd have been sooo grateful to Sears for it. Just them offering the program has made me want to shop at their store more. Support those who support the troops, you know?
Some people need to learn to be grateful for what they get instead of griping about it not being enough.
I totally agree with you. People need to realize that they are not entitled.
The sense of entitlement is totally sickening.
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