Tomorrow is trash day! One day I swear my life will be far more exciting than counting down how many more weeks I have of taking the trash out by myself.
It stormed last night...really stormed. I love a good Texas-sized thunderstorm, but it's more fun when Gunner is there so I will worry less. It was so windy and I was debating whether or not I needed to get out of bed and check for a tornado warning. I didn't hear the sirens, but I usually can't if I am inside. I started planning where I would stash the kids so we would be safe.
I contemplated the girls' bathroom (although Em says that she won't set foot in there because Abs uses it), but vetoed that idea because of the glass doors on the tub and it's an outside wall. Then I thought I would take everything out of the linen closet and put a kid on each shelf. Once the door was shut Junior wouldn't be able to fall out. It's on the inside hallway, so they would be safe, but I wouldn't fit. There's the front hall closet, but by the time I would unload it, we would have been whisked away to Oz. Not to mention that it would probably require Em to be near Abs and possibly touch her. I think I will stick them in the linen closet next time. Thankfully there were no tornadoes near us and I eventually fell asleep.
I guess the big news is that I was accepted into the teaching program that I wanted. They have such a long drawn out process, that I started to doubt myself. I registered for classes and now have to secure employment ASAP. I've started working on my resume, so all those people that offered to help, I will be taking you up on it! Just keep in mind the number of times we've moved before you see my sporadic work history. I can say that I have had interesting employment--from working at the Consulate, doing tours in Germany with the State Department (free trip so I could count people getting on and off the bus), international trade and development, buyer, mom/maid/cook/chauffeur to three cute kids. The list goes on....
Two weeks and two days left of swim lessons....they are doing such a great job that I am thinking of continuing to make the drive 4 times a week. Insane I tell you.
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
4 days ago
There was a tornado spotted in the area at around 5:30 or 6 this morning, so I grabbed the baby and we camped out under the stairs for a while. I never heard sirens, but since this was my first violent Texas storm (I swear it lasted ALL night!) I didn't want to take any chances.
I like the kid per shelf idea. :)
Congrats again on the teaching program! Bet you guys are still hunkered down for tonight's storm...
We have one tiny bathroom downstairs that we will have to go to if need be. I guess they had seven tornadoes come through here last year. Ugg! I have never had to even think about tornadoes before! It's scary business!
Congratulations on being accepted into the teaching program! That is awesome! I hope that the rest of the details are able to be worked out with ease.
55 weeks.... I'll count with you :)
i love how you count down the trash, now that is thinking woman!
Are we really down to 55 weeks? We're almost at a year! Awesome!
Don't forget to put a section on volunteer activities and list the GS work!
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