I showed up at the 10k yesterday and saw all these super fit, super serious athletes. I was ready to toss in the towel. I picked up my packet, sat in the car, and finally decided my goal was to finish, so I would just give it a shot.
I ran most of the first couple of miles, but after that it was a mix of walking and running. It was so humid that my curls turned into a giant fro. It was cool first thing in the morning but it didn't waste any time becoming hot, hot, hot. In the end I did finish, and my time was better than the worst case scenario that I gave myself. I wasn't last (not even close), although they should have given me a medal for showing up, not falling down when I tripped and for the best hair. Maybe next time.
I would definitely do it again, but I need to be in better shape and I need to remember to take my IPOD so my slightly OCD self won't count. It was a lot of fun though, and I liked the challenge. In the end, that's all that matters. I'll go for the gold next time.
I came home and passed out for two hours while Junior napped. I then took Em to my mom's and dropped her off and we went to get mexican food. Abs was in rare form, but was content packing a PB&J, and she still ate a lot of my mom's chicken fajitas.
The outlaws brought over a Thomas the Tank Engine toddler bed for Junior last night, but I am not ready to move him into it yet. I guess if I knew I had a good home for the crib and the dresser I might be in more of a rush. Plus the thought of another child being in and out of bed at night is just not appealing!
School starts tomorrow. I'm so not ready....
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
1 day ago
Woohoo! Good for you! Congratulations!
Hey, on my first race I resigned to the fact that someone had to be last. And surprisingly, it wasn't me! :)
Now you've faced the fear, you can do it again. Go girl!
Were proud of you hair and all.
You go, girl!
Congrats on making it through the race. You're a better woman than me. If you need/want someone to take the crib and dresser off your hands, let me know - we're in the market for both for little man (for when we move into our new house). Email me and maybe we can get together! ac5557@yahoo.com
Way to go on the 10K!! You are starting to motivate me to get back into racing, although the heat just fries me. I hate it.
How cute that Jr will have a Thomas bed. I totally understand about not wanting to make the move to the big kid bed, though.. we finally converted the dutchkid's crib but now it makes me all nervous that she in theory could get out and run around at night.
I linked to your blog in this post about time & deployments, hope you don't mind!
I may be thought of as a bad mom after I confess to this, but......We put those plastic door knob things on the inside on my little ones room. He stays in bed and dosen't even try to roam since ke knows he can't come out. He can push the bathroom door hard enough that it pops open and escape throught his brothers room (they have a bath that connects their rooms), but I think that the fact that the cover is on the knob is more a reminder than an actual tool at this point. He also has learned how to pop them off when he is ticked off, but he usualy leaves them alone and goes to bed w/o issue. W/o the covers.....THAT is a battle. Again it is all psychlogical w/ him.
I get a bit intimidated by those super athletic people too! Darn those people who have nothing better to do than work out!
Next time... the GOLD! :)
I put off the toddler/big boy bed for as long as I possible good. Containment can be a wonderful thing, especially when one is containing a two year old male.
WOOT WOOT!!!! A 10k is no joke anywhere but in the Texas heat it is a genuine battle! Sounds like you already know the most important rule of race day. Upon completion you get to eat ANYTHING want until sundown! Wish I could could find some really good Mexican food up here in Midwestern-ville.
BTW I have so enjoyed running with your sis on Tues nights for speedwork. You'll have to come out with us if you venture up here this summer!
I'm with Andrea, I have a two year old who is (surprizingly) content to stay in the crib. I'll let him do so until he just won't stay in any more.
Congrats on the 10K! Way to go!
The last time I ran, DH had to run back a quarter mile to the van and get my inhaler! Just so you know there are people much, much more out of shape than you!
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