Well it's a new summer session, but don't hold your breath on the attitude. Still trying to be optimistic about a job.
In other news....
Junior is freaked out by baths. Nothing has changed, but he screams and screams and screams and nothing will make him happy. He's in there for about 30 seconds, and I don't give him a bath every day either. No idea what is wrong, but hopefully he will grow out of it and fast! The shots of antibiotics seem to be working so that is a good thing. Hopefully we get a surgery date soon.
Em and my mom arrived in the UK and everything is fine. That's all I know so far. I'm jealous, but glad that Em gets to go.
Abs came out of my bathroom the other day--which she is still banned from--and she had put on deodorant, at least that is what she said. I went in there and she had also put deodorant all over the bathroom walls. My bathroom now smells powder fresh.
Gunner is keeping busy and finally called after almost two weeks. Still much better contact than we had the first two times he was there. He will have been gone 4 months this Saturday. Hard to believe in some respects, and seems like much much longer in others. 47 trash days left.
On a bright note--I found someone to mow my front, side and backyard, plus weedeat, and they blew off all the grass from the patio, driveway, walkway and porch for.......$13!
Off to study....
Declutter Challenge: Organizing Kitchen Drawers
3 weeks ago
Any projects for us to get involved in yet?
WOW! $13 send him this way. My back yard needs to be mowed badly! One less thing to worry about is always a good thing!
That's amazing, $13! I wish that person would come around here lol. I'm sorry Junior doesn't like baths. Babies are so funny with their little quirks. My little one is freaked out by the vaccuum cleaner.
The elder child went thru the bath thing at two and my 19 mth old is going thru it now. I hate this stage more then most! So just know that I'm suffering along with you : ). Solidarity my sista.
good luck with your summer session!
My son was afraid of everything and had a hard time with baths as well. We discovered foam soap and it saved us from raising a filthy child. You know the syuff I mean, like shaving cream only its soap. I would spray it along the inside of the tub and little in his hands then remind him I would give hime more(usually a huge dollup on his belly)once inside the tub. It comes in differnt colors and he would paint the walls and himself with it. Bathtime actually became his favorite part of the day. I can get it for a buck in the dollar section of our local grocery store. They still love it at 5&6 years old but now its a special
Great idea Catherine! I'll have to try to find something he won't be allergic to! I'm willing to try anything.
ABW aka mother of a grubby boy
Hi - My daughter did this for about 3 months and NOTHING would ease it. She would scream the whole time. Then one day she just stopped. I can't get her out of them now. I think it is a phase and he will grow out of it!!
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