We are fast approaching being down to trash days that I can count on one hand. Goodness knows I have enough to keep me busy, so days are flying by, but his homecoming date still seems so far away.
The ball is being held on a Wednesday. Isn't that odd?
My MIL wants to have tshirts airbrushed with my husband's picture for everyone to wear for his homecoming. Not happening. I have to be very careful how I say things because they become offended and won't talk to me for a while. Hmmmm....maybe there is some merit in complaining to them?
Microwave dinged, I better go get dinner!
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
1 day ago
Having the Ball on Weds must be the new "in" thing to do. My husband's ball was scheduled right after we got back from leave, but they didn't even tell them about it until like the Friday that leave started. Needless to say, with short notice and no one to watch the kiddos we didn't bother.
It is really odd that they aren't opening daycare in the morning. I know there is no PT and formations aren't until 9 tomorrow too. Hopefully they don't cancel school. Although I guess you could be hoping that they do...
Geez I forgot that the whole point of that rant about the ball was it was also scheduled on a Weds.
Why not just wear the shirts?
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