1. Never try to cut the toenails of a baby you just doused in aquaphor. He will win.
2. While cleaning the garage with a 23 month old, always have a clear path to chase him. (Junior rounded the corner before I got to the door of the garage and I couldn't find him anywhere. I ran inside to grab the phone (he had a 10 second head start at most) and found him playing with his toys. Whole incident lasted about 120 seconds, but a few new gray hairs were added to the lot.)
3. If you have just scrubbed the dining room, don't serve pizza as one piece will land upside down on the floor.
4. When Abs says she is going to take a shower, hide the brand new bottle of shampoo. She will opt for a shampoo bubble bath instead.
5. If your husband every says he needs something from clothing and sales, don't believe him! Gunner took duffle bags full of stuff to Iraq, and I filled a dresser, two huge rubbermaid trunks, 5 duffle bags and still didn't get everything put away. In case of emergency, my garage is the place to be. We can have our own army.
6. A mother's instinct is right 99.9% of the time, even if you don't have a medical degree.
7. When you stuff the freezer and it accidentally pops open, it will be your ice cream that falls out and melts because it will make the biggest mess.
8. It is possible to do laundry all day long and still not be done.
9. In order to make banana bread, you need to buy 4 bunches of bananas so that your crew can't eat them all before they get brown (and since they were from the commissary that takes all of 3 days).
10. When your son is small, but stocky, he may not be able to climb over the gates, but he will learn to bulldoze them down. Great.
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
3 days ago
I'm feeling your number 8. I HATE laundry, so I save it all for one day; it usually ends up taking more like two and then about 3 more to get it all folded and put away. Then its time to start the process over!
You mean I am not the only one who seems down on my luck with these types of things. LOL! I swear sometimes it is the little things like the ice cream or the pizza that just get under my skin LOL! and I though I was the only one LOL!
11. Mothers MUST retain their sense of humor!
Congratulations on being able to smile through it all....
Hi, I'm a lurker. I stumbled upon your blog the other day and have been reading it daily. It totally cracks me up. I'm not a military wife but my husband was in the Army and my brother is in the Air Force right now. He has been with the Force for 19 years.
Anyway, thanks for the daily chuckle. It's fun to get to know a complete stranger in some other part of the U.S.
#6 is spot on! My best friend said to me one time, "I think if we go to the doctor and tell him/her what our diagnoses is up front and after the exam we are right, we should get 50% off of the office visit."
I agree with her!!
oh i love all of them! especially the gate one. i heard a banging one day and i went into the living room to find the boys running full speed at the gate. sigh. it never ends does it!
i also love the uniform one... you can have your own army and I can set up my own Corps! I'll protect the east coast you can protect out west!
I'm in for #2!!!
Lance did the now you see him now you don't a weeks ago. I about died in the 7 min it took to figure out that he was in when we were out and he was out on the back porch when we were in. PANIC!!!!
Great list!! I love the visuals! :)
Hope things are better with the kiddos and the ears.
thats the problem with the army. they make you sign for a bunch of stuff you will never use.
funny!!!! i loved #1 most of all! :)
Sounds like Sunday was quite the informative day!
Bummer about the ice cream. I would have cried a river....
That was great! Thank you so much for the laugh! #7 and #9 were my favorites.
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