My mom told me on the phone about all the super cheap dead plants that she rescued from Lowe's. This morning when I showed up to work I saw this plant on her front doorstep and immediately thought of.....

When the girls came home from school, they saw the plant and said exactly what I thought. "Mommy, that plant looks like your hair!" Oh the joy of having such wild, curly hair!
I thought hair too, but not your "naturally curly hair" as I heard a million times in college - esp after another failed perm on my naturally straight as a board hair - but there just is not enough of it remind me of yours!
I immediately thought of your hair.
I think it's cool (like your hair) and I want one (and curls too)!
Wow. Another mom that rescues dead plants from stores......but does yours stop and pull them out of the trash pile in you own neighbor hood, or pick them up from the side of the road like a stray puppy???? Mine does!
I don't have to, the neighbors bring them over!
I'm right there with ya with regards to the wild, curly hair. I have to use a whole lot of product if I want to share air space with anyone else. :)
Your mom sounds like she has a soft heart!
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