Let's face it, I already admitted that I have a problem with germs, hand sanitizer and sick people.
Junior's dirty diaper looked suspicious this evening. I am holding out hope that it is nothing.
Had training tonight and he mentioned that he might have a stomach bug. Are you kidding me? I made him carry around a bottle of sanitizer. He thinks it is something he ate, I am not taking any chances.
I am making emergency sub plans just in case. I know if I had been a sub, and my notes said to "go to the social studies drawer and pull out a map on the bottom and have students complete," I would have laughed.
Let's just hope I don't have to use the plans!
When Junior and I were leaving the gym daycare, he told me...."there's something in my ear mommy". I asked him what could possibly be in his ear, and he told me it was a rock he put in there. He didn't say anything else about it, and hasn't been pulling on it, so I am hoping he just randomly thought this up on his own and there is no rock in the ear. Keep your fingers crossed.
Em had her basketball performance tonight and my mom took Abs along for the ride. Apparently it went well, and I will see more of it on Thursday if the outlaws will take Abs to PT, and they have a performance during school. We forgot about the shirt and pants they needed to wear, so after setting up a lifesize map grid on my floor after school for my observation tomorrow, we raced hom to locate the said items. For once, everything was clean. Whew.
I grabbed Junior and we raced off to the gym where I got my running in, but the stairs were full so I settled for some cycling till I had my training. I will be sore tomorrow, which is good.
.....Found a 5K and am running it on Saturday. Woohoo! This would make the 4th race since Gunner is gone. Don't expect any trophies like Erin & I scored in our first 5K, but it will be fun and my friend Mel has the same trainer, so he will be happy that we are doing it.
Gunner better be in shape to keep up with me!
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
4 days ago
Hey slim, no pictures of a whisper of your original self?
Good grief, girl! I find myself getting tired just reading about your life... and you're out running 5K's? I don't know how you do it.
Ohhh girl you are always so busy!
I am a HUGE germaphobe lol have no worries.
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