And here are the updates on the kids:
Em--she cracks me up. She has a book report due in two days and has switched books numerous times. Does she get an easier book each time? Nope, she keeps moving up. I told her this was her last change because she was running out of time. Tomorrow will be filled with homework for both girls.
Abs--I was on the phone with my friend Mel and Abs was in the shower. I was checking on her and all was well so I continued my conversation while I cleaned up a little for dinner. I heard a lot of noise from the bathroom and so I figured I better check it out. What I found was the entire bathroom drenched. Abs was taking a cup, filling it with water, and throwing it up on the ceiling. It was all over the ceiling and was raining down. Her rationale was that she was in a tropical rainforest. How can someone so smart not think things through?
Junior--He woke up screaming Sunday morning "I'm stuck, I'm stuck, I'm stuck" and screamed some more. I jumped up and ran in there. There was my baby boy with huge tears in his eyes and running down his face. Where was he stuck? He was stuck in the crib and couldn't get out. I told him it was 5 am and he needed to go to sleep but then he smiled and told me thank you for getting him unstuck as well as saying "I waked up Mommy". I couldn't resist so we got up bright and early. Little stinker! He still hasn't had a haircut, so his c

I'm hanging in there and counting down the days till Christmas vacation. 8 more school days!!! Woohoo!
Ha My husband and I are here in Oklahoma and its the same weather here and my husband is in the field this week.. so hes hating it. he has already gotten frost bite on his fingers.
Haha! I love it! So true. I miss Texas in the winter though. I have a feeling I'm not gonna wear a tee shirt this year. ;)
How's your deployment going hon? It's been a while!
It's funny I follow the weather @GT when ever we get on the computer and have noticed that many days the temps are the same as here, but not always. Today it was in the low 70's and sunny outside, it does get quite cool at nights though.
Junior sounds just like my Boy 2! I guess that's what I have to look forward to in a few more months!
And I've dealt with the whole water in the bathroom thing with my older two too! They just seem to be fascinated by stuff like that.
When I was in junior high, I was in an honors physical science class (mine, I think, was the first class that benefited from H. Ross Perot's HR 72 back in the day...). One of my classmates - an otherwise very intelligent girl - decided to take a wire, bend it into a "U" shape, then stick the two ends into the two holes of the electrical outlet build into the lab tables in the science classroom... I wasn't looking in that direction when Wendy is that, but there was apparently an very large arc of electricity that shot out... Never really understood why she would have thought to do such a thing...
i love the reasons abs comes up with for doing certain cracks me up!
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