I got my delivery from Gunner today and I was totally surprised. Someone knocked at the door and Em peeked out and when I asked her who it was she told me "someone with flowers". I opened the door and received a beautiful bouquet of flowers with a sweet card for Gunner. He knows after almost 14 years how to melt my heart. Our anniversary is the 17th, and I can still say after 14 years that it just gets better and better, even if he is not here all the time. Who the heck am I kidding, he's not here most of the time. I still love him though.
I went to school today with my mom and the kids to decorate my bulletin board. We pieced something together, and I am just hoping that it will make it through the week. It's cute though, and very, very busy. I noticed when we went in that the door was open, so when we left I checked it and it was unlocked. I called a friend who told me she would track someone down. Two hours later someone was supposedly on the way when a MP pulled up. I went over to him and explained the situation and he said he would stay there until someone arrived. Junior was tired and the wind had about worn all of us out, plus we had no food. The last thing I wanted to do was to leave the school unsecured and be blamed if something happened, so I did my part.
Had dinner with my mom and the kids and then my mom took all three kids back to her house. I have to go over there and work before I pick them up and then run them to Girl Scouts tomorrow afternoon.
I still have a million 3-dimensional shapes to make, supplies to separate for my lesson and my big appraisal by the principal too. I'm nervous, but figure I have nothing to lose, plus it is the last week of classes before the Christmas holidays, so I am super excited about having two weeks off from school.
Off to bed after working on my lesson for my appraisal. I hope I did it right, and I hope I don't get too nervous! Wish me luck!!!
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
4 days ago
Talent will win out over lick all of the time.
One of these day's I'll have to replace our keyboard with the work off letters on them.
I don't know - I like the unexpected;)
Oh heck, I give up trying to read them.
You forgot to mention that you made an A in your class and now have a 4.00 average! We knew you had in you.
good luck with all you have to do! If you ever need bulletin board ideas, my mother was an art teacher forever and made incredible boards.
congrats on your big anniversary! 14 years in the military is no small feat, esp when they arent around a lot!
If I had received an "A," I'd be screaming it from the highest mountain. Don't tell me your bashful now!
Good luck on your appraisal - but you wont need it! Toot your own horn, girl!!!! CONGRATS on the 4.00 - I still tell anyone who listen about mine from grad school
You are an amazing woman! A 4.0? You'll do great on the appraisal, I have no doubt, but I'll wish you extra good luck anyway :) And what a sweet hubby you have!
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