The kids were screaming and I was trying to give Junior his medication tonight. One of them he takes 1 1/2 tsp and the other he takes 3/4 tsp. I was going back for the 1/2 tsp when I realized I had given him 1/4 tsp more of the other medication. Following me here? So I called my friend Abbey but she wasn't available, so I broke down and called poison control.
They were so nice! She asked a lot of questions and then assured me that the medication was not strong and he would have been okay if he had swallowed the whole bottle. Kind of makes me wonder why they even gave it to him? Still made me feel like a bad mom. I'm definitely not winning any awards here. I'm just glad everything is okay.
When I was about 4 I went in our house and found a bottle of baby tylenol put away on the top shelf in the back of the cabinet. I ate the entire bottle, and of course it was family sized. I remember my mom was gone, and my dad was home with all 4 of us. I remember him chasing me around the house and I put a chair on the stairs to try and keep him away because I just wanted to sleep. My dad dropped the three kids off at a neighbor and then took me to the er. I remember them giving me some awful stuff and putting a blood pressure cuff around my tummy and pumping it till I threw up in a green trash can.
Wish I could forget useless memories like that.
P.S. I swear this is my last post tonight.
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
1 day ago
Oh my gosh I am glad he is okay!!!
And that is not a fun memory! Yikes.
Hey -- I remember that day very well too. Your favorite big brother saw the empty bottle in the cabinet and he calmed you down, assured you that you were not in trouble and convinced you to tell him how much aspirin was in the bottle (about 1/2 of a large bottle -- so maybe 50-100 tiny, tasty, orange-flavored child aspirins) -- then he told dad.
I had to call poison control last year, and thank goodness they are nice otherwise I think I would have died of guilt. I'm glad Jr's ok.
that is a really scary memory about the tylenol... one of my mom-phobias, actually. I'm glad it's easy to get kids to take it, but did they have to make it so much like candy?
Ah, yes, my favorite big brother surfaces. In order to thank you for saving my life, I think that maybe I should lend you Abs for a week this summer to help out with the little guy? Just let me know! :)
I still love the taste of baby asprin.
When we were kids, I don't remember any medicine around the house ever. Only stuff we had were homeopathic things passed down from the ranching/farming days, or maybe it was voodoo.
What a good big brother you have! And why in the world do they make those things taste so yummy? I know it's to get the kids to take them but really.
I'm glad he's okay and I hope he's well on his way to being better!
I remember when my 2nd son was about 4 or so he pulled a chair up to the cabinet in the kitchen and he gave his little sister her vitamin trying to help and left the bottle on the table open and his little sis proceeded to eat the whole bottle. Ended up in the ER for 2 days because of iron levels. So ya I know the quilt factor on that too.
haha...nice post.tomorrow starts today.
I gave you an award. See? Is it bad that we both put "I swear I'll stop posting for the day" somewhere in our posts? I like your posts, even when there are a lot of them. I've never called poison control. It's good to know they're nice.
I have a child that at age 3.5 could open the childproof cap of the benadryl. I gave himself i beliefe 30 ml of it. Yes, the folks at poison control are VERY nice. After that stress....the extra meds didn't make him sleepy, just wired. Oh what a joy. We have all been there!
That is the reason Children's Tylenol comes in small numbers now. A bottle is not supposed to be lethal. Of course, that doesn't mean more is better or good for you. Tylenol is actually a VERY dangerous pill to overdose on.
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