Sunday, February 7, 2010


Em's troop was going ice skating, so Gunner ventured out with both girls. The last two summers when they were in daycare while I was in school, they went roller skating every week. They never really got the hang of it, but apparently ice skating is easier for them. Go figure.

Abs insisted that she have a helmet.
I'm a star!
You only have to be 16 to drive one, and apparently this is Ab's new ambition. I still have time to work on her though.

In order to earn the patch, Em has to do another two hours, so we will be back out there in the near future. It's not too expensive either over at the World Arena, and they even offer hockey lessons. I would love to play hockey, maybe they have adult lessons?
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1 comment:

Julie Danielle said...

I love ice skating! I haven't been in forever though so I probably forgot What a fun day!