So all of my children's grades are accessible to me online, and I can even have texts and emails sent to me if they have something entered below a certain grade. I wonder why they don't have a spot for immediate notifications of office referrals? the bad thing is that all of my parents have access to my student's grades. I will hope for the best!
Em went to a dance at school tonight. She's growing up. Nothing big or fancy, just a way for student council to make money I guess. She had a good time, and I went out to eat with the outlaws. Abs ordered this chocolate dessert, I had a bite, and I was in heaven. I'm not a huge fan of chocolate, but this thing, whatever it was called, just melted in my mouth. I'm in love.
Tomorrow is a work day at school, that I desperately need. I am hoping to crank out a million things in a short amount of time. I also need to hit the gym, and hard. I have my second training session on Saturday and then start with my twice a week on Monday and Wednesday. If you see someone stumbling around post, that would be me.
Em had a friend in the car the other day, and when I loaded Junior in, he meowed. Without even batting, Em said "My brother thinks he's a cat" and then went back to her conversation. Everything is normal in this house I guess. I wonder what they will say about their childhood one day. Might be a good thing I am not around to hear it!
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
3 days ago
You have come a long way. You never liked chocolate. I can remember Gunner's reaction when he found out....he said,"How did I get the defective one?"
When they said that Dark Chocolate was good for you, I doubled my consumption.
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