According to the ugly faces that were made at me while I was at Walmart today, my child is the only one who screams throughout the store. After dropping the girls off at Girl Scouts, Junior and I headed to the gym so I could get in a workout. The daycare was packed and had about an hour wait, so I decided to head to Walmart and get my shopping out of the way since I had to get the girls around that time.
I entered the store with a screaming baby and it just went downhill from there. I had to go get diapers and stuff, so it wasn't like I could walk out. We ran up and down the aisles grabbing a few other things that we needed while Junior continued to scream. At one point after the millionth person gave me a dirty look (remember I was at Walmart in Killeen, so there probably were a million other people there), I was ready to scream with him. I looked at bras because my size is hard to find and he proceeded to fill the cart with bras. Got him untangled from the mess of bras on his head and hung them all back up while he sat on our loaf of bread. I'm sure squished bread tastes better anyway. I tracked down some fat free mayo and then grabbed bananas on the way out the door. By this time he was trying to escape from the cart and they sent someone over to load up my groceries while I held on to him.
So no workout today I suppose. Maybe tomorrow we can make it to the gym, not have to wait too long, and Junior won't bite anyone and I can run, run, run.
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
1 day ago
ummm yeah your not alone with screaming kids. Mine thru a fit at target once, A FIT, but I needed tampons and toilet paper and since flyboy was away as usual it wasnt like I could really run back out alone later. People dont understand that in cases like that its far more miserable for us then it is for them. I mean we have to go home with them!
Yikes! I would count that a a workout Sweetie! At least, it counts as cardio ...
I'm sorry you had a tough time at the store today. :-(
I'm sure tomorrow will be much better! :-)
That was you! Okay just kidding but I so understand . . . let me know how people react when you scream with him next time! One of these days I would love to be brave enough to have some come back line that would send people running back into their hole! It must be a boy thing?
Sounds to me like you DID get your workout...just not the one you intended. Hang in there, Sister Dear!
Hey, some people have ugly faces all of the time.
I hope you have a better day today!
You know what, I'd rather see a mom with a screaming kid trying to go about their business than one who is offering their kid every toy or cookie etc. in the store to try to bribe them to be quiet. Maybe because I'm the mom with the screaming kid sometimes who refuses to bribe them. And the only look you'd get from me would be one of sympathy & understanding!
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