Today I met with a woman by the name of Kelly Rossetto who is currently working on her PhD at the University of Texas--I won't hold that against her (Sic 'em bears!). She is during her dissertation on studying the effects of deployment on families in order to help practitioners to develop resources to help us. Anyway, she can visit with you if you are in the local area (The Great Place) or she can call you on the phone if you would rather go that route. Junior loved her, although she might have been wondering about the little boy who runs around with mittens all the time! She was very nice and professional, and I am all about helping get additional resources for military families. I know that there are plenty of people out there that can provide valuable information to help her as most of my readers are on their first, second, third or even 4th deployment or more.
If you want to get in touch with me to pass on your information, feel free or you can email her at
The day is still young and I just have about half a million more things to do before I hit the sack tonight....
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
3 days ago
G'luck with your busy day!!
Hmm.... so what's the dealy-o? Is it a survey to fill out? I wouldn't mind. I share my entire life with people anyhow!! :)
if only she was looking into the effects of continuous comings and goings. Sadly its really starting to get to the oldest. But such is life for a while longer.
I'm Kelly, and I am conducting interviews with military spouses (and kids over 7, if they are also interested) who are currently experiencing deployment. The interviews take about 60-90 minutes, and I can come to where you are located if it is within driving distance from Austin. Otherwise, we can talk over the phone. I am interested in many effects of deployment, so if coming and going is something you'd like to talk about, I am all ears.
Thanks so much!
~Kelly (
I would love to help out! Pass my info along.
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