Yes, we are still on the sick blog.
It's finally my turn. Fever. Chills. Cough. Congestion. I feel like death warmed over.
I still have to get Em from her sleepover, Abs from Grandma, and Junior will get his wish to watch a lot of tv today. I'm kind of hoping Em slept a lot at her sleepover so I can go crash in my room and get some more sleep. Wishful thinking I am sure.
I wonder if my inlaws would bring me chicken noodle soup and gatorade. That might be pushing my luck....
But the house needs to be cleaned, I should go to the gym (not happening unless a miracle occurs), lesson plans need to be written, and children need to be taken care of.
And Gunner's date got pushed back out again. Still sooner than it was originally, but he said they are changing things left and right so don't hold my breath. Easier said than done!
Back to the sick couch....
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
1 day ago
I'll be with you in spirit on the sick couch. Counting down to when the clinic opens tomorrow morning.
Hope you feel much better very soon!
Is the whole world sick? Bleh. I'm still coughing and feeling generally icky. By the way, I've learned that the messy/dirty house and gym will still be there when you're feeling well, so those are things that can slide. And as a former teacher, I've always found that pop quizzes and small group work were answers to prayer when I was feeling cruddy on a school day. Hope you get to feeling better!
Hope you feel better soon! One of the things that drives me crazy about the Army is how things are always, always changing. Very difficult for my personality to deal with!
Hurry up and wait, what's new with the military?
Been there done that (over and over again!) I have a recommendation for you. I haven't been sick in over a year because of a new product for kids called Germy Wormy. Before that, it was nasty like you are living through.
Give kids a PLACE to give their germs to – instead of you!
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